Relationships are what make the world go round. Well, not literally, but they’re what form the fabric of our society and are integral to our lives. They’re so important that close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keeps us happy throughout our lives. Our relationships are the strings through which our lives are weaved, and if we want to create a beautiful tapestry, we need to take care of them.
That being said, many of us occasionally have relationship trouble, whether it’s personal or professional, or romantic or platonic. No path is paved perfectly, and sometimes we can get thrown off by the bumps in the road.
Luckily, there are a few amazing people who literally specialize in relationships. Whether you need help developing the confidence to create a relationship, how to grow and sustain a relationship, or relationship remedies when sh*t hits the fan, these coaches got you covered.
Each with their own unique coaching style and expertise, here are our top 5 relationship coaches transforming lives:
Known as “The Relationship Expert,” Los Angeles-based Jaime Bronstein has close to two decades of experience in helping people from around the world navigate the peaks and valleys of dating and relationships. in relationship coaching and is the host of “Love Talk Live” on LA Talk Radio. Jaime teaches her clients how to heal their past, love themselves unconditionally, how to be vulnerable, tap into their inner strengths and intuition, and live more authentically to achieve their relationship goals. Jaime empowers her clients to become aware of the fact that they were born to have love in their lives and see each challenge in life as an opportunity to evolve as an individual.
Arica Angelo is a dating and relationship coach with over a decade of experience. She works with men across the world to help them become the kind of men that women desire. After a divorce and her own journey towards healing herself and self-development, she came up with powerful methods that she now teaches her clients. Arica reminds her clients that they can attract women if they invest in themselves both emotionally and physically, but also ensures that physical attraction will also be covered in their coaching sessions. Arica’s transparency says a lot about what you can get from her as a relationship coach, and her results speak for themselves.
Certified Life & Health Coaches Tiffany Denny and Kierstyn Franklin, the minds behind ‘The Relationship Recovery’, both experienced the aftermath of a traumatic divorce. They co-founded The Relationship Recovery to offer unique tools and support to deal with the recovery from domestic abuse, emotional abuse, poor dating trends, codependency, poor self-esteem, and everything in between. Tiffany and Kierstyn provide a ton of value through tips, tools, resources on their Instagram and are passionate about helping people find support, love, acceptance, and growth. They are committed to helping as many people as possible recover from abusive relationships and provide them the resources to re-establish themselves and find joy in their lives.
At 26, Bryan Reeves was a Captain in the US Air Force. After leaving the USAF he gave away his belongings and traveled the world. During his travels, he met and married a woman but got divorced shortly after, which is when it dawned on him he didn’t know how to love or be happy. He returned to the US and after finding a lot of success managing businesses, he started consulting artists, visionaries, and business owners, which transformed into his life coaching practice. The self-declared “Life & Relationships Insight Ninja,” Bryan coaches individuals and couples to accomplish their goals, breakthrough life’s challenges, create healthy relationships, and shift from fear to empowerment.
5. estherbmft
Esther Boykin, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) based in Washington, D.C., is the CEO of Group Therapy Associates and TherapyIsNotADirtyWord. In her role at GTA she works to make mental health accessible, innovative, and culturally relevant for all people, and through TherapyIsNotADirtyWord she aims to bridge the gap between relationship and therapy resources. While some of her posts are relationship-focused, the majority of them are applicable to any kind of challenge you’re going through in life. Her posts are composed of thought-provoking questions to help you reflect as well as tips to help you overcome hurdles and get better as you go. She has also authored two books on relationships and is a sought-after relationship and mental health expert.