
Rediscovering Self-Worth After a Narcissistic Relationship

Reclaiming Self Worth We may experience feelings of being alone, unwanted, and dejected after ending a toxic relationship. The pain and memories that remain can change the way you see yourself. I want to talk about something really close to my heart – self-worth. A lot of people may identify with this subject, and from […]

Self-Worth: You Are Worth It!

A Conversation about Self- Worth I do not deserve to be loved, why can’t I just be more? The inner voice often tells us so many stories, the stories might appear to be real, and they may be false. Let us have a conversation about self-worth. What is Self- Worth? Self-worth is that internal deep-down […]

Rebuilding Trust After Narcissistic Abuse

Trust Trust is essential in any relationship. It helps people feel safe, supported, and valued. When trust is broken, especially through narcissistic abuse, the damage can be severe. This type of abuse can leave deep emotional scars, making it hard to trust again. Amber (not her real name), a client of mine, once trusted her […]

A Complete Guide on Finding Yourself After Narcissistic Abuse

Healing the Bond With Yourself Rediscovering yourself after narcissistic abuse is a lifelong process for survivors. It goes deeper than just “getting back on the horse.” At its essence, narcissistic abuse recovery is the process of healing the bond with yourself. Finding yourself again and adopting a brand new identity rooted in self-love, personal empowerment, […]

Could You Be a Narcissist and Not Know It? Debunking the Signs

Am I a Narcissist? Ever wonder if you might be a narcissist and not even know it? I get it! I was even the person who went as far as taking one of those “Am I a narcissist quizzes online.” And I’m gonna share with you, something someone once shared with me. If you’re the […]