
Stuck in a Rut? Here are some tips to get up!

As a certified divorce coach and support group facilitator, I spend my life listening to people’s stories about divorce. From both my professional and personal experiences, I know one thing for sure– going through a divorce is a painful, life-changing process. The transition from married life to single life can be devastating, so it’s totally […]

Understanding the Differences: Avoidance vs. Healthy Boundaries in Cutting Ties

Cutting ties with someone is a profound and often agonizing decision, one that many grapple with at some point in their lives. The reasons behind this choice can be complex, but most often, I see this choice stem from one of two possibilities: cutting someone off as an avoidance tactic and cutting someone off as […]

Isolation in Narcissistic Relationships: Rediscovering Yourself and Reconnecting with Community

Narcissistic relationships are inherently isolating. The narcissist’s need for control and validation often leads to behaviors that undermine the victim’s sense of self and sever connections with supportive networks. Recognizing the signs of isolation in such relationships is the first step toward reclaiming one’s identity and reintegrating into a nurturing community. Let´s take a look […]

Navigating Trust Issues in Narcissistic Relationships

Trust is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. It provides the security and emotional safety necessary for intimacy and growth. However, when entangled in a relationship with a narcissist, trust often becomes the first casualty. Understanding and addressing trust issues in narcissistic relationships is crucial for anyone looking to heal and rebuild their sense of […]

Alone but Not Lonely: Embracing Solitude for Mental Health

In the bustling world we inhabit, solitude is often viewed through two distinct lenses. I’ve worked with individuals who find alone time uncomfortable, even dreadful, and those who, either inherently or through personal growth, see it as an opportunity for reflection and contentment. Let’s explore these two perspectives and delve into the world of solitude, […]

Boundaries: The Invisible Lines that Protect Your Well-Being

Boundaries, though unseen, hold immense power in protecting our well-being. They define what we’re comfortable with and what we’re not. However, many of us struggle with the concept of boundaries, often feeling guilty or selfish when we try to establish them. This struggle often originates from our upbringing, where we may have been taught that […]

Ready, Set, Soar!

Divorce is one of life’s toughest challenges. If you’re in the middle of it while reading this, it probably feels like you’re on a wild rollercoaster ride with all the ups, downs, and unexpected twists and turns. It can seem never-ending, but there is a way to get through it and come out stronger. As […]

Self-Talk for Self-Worth: Harnessing the Power of Your Inner Dialogue

Are you mindful of the conversations you have with yourself every day? Our inner dialogue, commonly referred to as self-talk, plays a crucial role in shaping ourself-worth. Self-talk is that constant chatter in our minds, influenced by our beliefs, experiences,and perceptions. What we say to ourselves on a regular basis really matters. The words we […]

Co-Parenting with an Ex Battling Addiction

Co-parenting, or “collaborative parenting,” involves parents working together to raise their children despite no longer being in a relationship. This process is challenging under normal circumstances and becomes even more difficult when one parent is battling addiction, which canstrain family bonds and create instability. However, with the right strategies and a compassionateapproach, it’s possible to […]

But Who Am I Now?

Divorce can shake your life like an earthquake, making everything feel unstable. When a marriage ends, you might feel lost and unsure of who you are. Holly (not her real name) felt this way when she got divorced. As her coach, I remember her asking me, “Who do I want to be in my next […]