
Overcoming Financial Anxiety After Divorce

Divorce changed every aspect of my life, especially my relationship with money. It wasn’t just about the dollars and cents in my bank account. I started to feel intense fear and anxiety around money which activated what psychologist Dr. Brad Klontz calls a “money script” of both Money Avoidance and Money Vigilance. This essay explains […]

Social Isolation After Divorce

Alone Time I recently read a New York Times article about the importance of solitude, and it made me think about how much I need alone time. I really crave time alone. One of my favorite places to get some of this sacred space is in my car. The library is another great place for […]

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Divorce

How is Divorce Both an Ending and a Beginning? Have you ever thought of divorce as both the end of one day and the start of another? Just like midnight marks the end of one day and the beginning of the next, divorce closes the chapter of marriage and opens a new one that can […]

Rebuilding Trust After Narcissistic Abuse

Trust Trust is essential in any relationship. It helps people feel safe, supported, and valued. When trust is broken, especially through narcissistic abuse, the damage can be severe. This type of abuse can leave deep emotional scars, making it hard to trust again. Amber (not her real name), a client of mine, once trusted her […]