
The Healing Power of Gratitude

“Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.” Hansa Proverb With the current state of affairs, so much uncertainty on the horizon, and our ever so busy lives it can be easy to focus on the negative. In fact, as a culture, depression and anxiety rates are at an all-time high and […]

How Can Support Group Therapy Ease the Pain of Grief?

Have you recently lost someone you loved? Are you having trouble moving through the stages of grief? Do you feel like you are paddling upstream, through Class V rapids, and don’t know how to catch your breath? Grief, like love, may be the most powerful emotion we as humans feel. When we lose a loved […]

The Healing Power of Grief Journaling: 10 Writing Prompts to Get You Started

After the loss of a loved one it is common to feel that you are going through the movements of life with very little purpose. Grief can be overwhelming, lonely and long lasting. The emotions of grief are all encompassing and oftentimes it may feel difficult to find a safe space to let your feelings […]

Father’s Day: 5 Thoughtful Ways to Honor Those Dads Who Are No Longer With Us

Losing a father can be devastating, and celebrating Father’s Day can be bittersweet, especially for those of us who have lost our dads. Sadly, I’ll admit I am a member of this club too, having lost my own wonderful dad to lung cancer many years ago. Additionally, my daughter’s father tragically passed away when she […]

Grief, Loss, and Coronavirus: The Most Difficult Goodbyes

“There are three needs of the griever: To find the words for the loss, to say the words aloud, and to know that the words have been heard.” Victoria Alexander Mourning the death of a loved one is never easy. It is challenging to navigate the feelings of grief even in the best of times […]