
Why Facebook’s Announcement is Bad News for Our Future Mental Health

Wednesday was a terrible day for the future of all of our mental health. Facebook, newly named Meta, declared that in the near future more and more of our human interactions will be converted into remote and efficient communications. I am amazed that we continue to be unable to connect the dots between the unbelievable […]

The Holidays Loneliness Pandemic

Think back to the holidays in 2019. The world was a very different place: “Baby Yoda” was taking the internet by storm, the Cats movie had just been released, Donald Trump was impeached (the first time) by the House of Representatives. Chances are, you also enjoyed holiday parties with co-workers, get-togethers with friends, and trips […]

“There is zero shame in not being able to do this alone”

Today we’re putting the spotlight on Dr. Catherine Schmidt, a licensed clinical psychologist working with women and children in the San Francisco Bay Area. Additionally, Dr. Schmidt’s research explores the relationship between romantic attachment and stress during motherhood. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and why you decided to pursue psychology with […]

Celebrate #WorldMentalHealthDay By Sharing Without Shame

1 in 5. That’s how many adults in the United States experience a mental illness each year. That’s nearly 52 million people. If that were the population of a country, it would be the 28th largest country in the world. Moreover, 45% of adults in the United States with mental illness receive treatment. Less than half of […]

“It’s time we closed the gap between our physical and our psychological health”

Dr. Guy Winch is a renowned psychologist, keynote speaker, and author. His books, Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts, How to Fix a Broken Heart, have been translated into twenty-seven languages, and his TED Talks Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid, How to Fix a Broken Heart, […]

How to Tell Your Husband You Want a Divorce

When you’re walking down the aisle at your wedding, and you stand in front of your partner and you make a vow “‘til death do us part,” you never imagine, not even for a moment, that you would part ways a lot earlier than anticipated. But life doesn’t always go as planned. The trajectory of […]

Circles Welcomes Heartbreak Expert Dr. Guy Winch

Circles is welcoming Dr. Guy Winch, renowned heartbreak expert, to the team to expand our support to millions of people experiencing heartache. Dr. Guy Winch, one of the world’s leading psychologists, the author of the highly-regarded How to Fix a Broken Heart, and TED speaker, has joined Circles as Chief Strategic Officer for our Relationship […]

Experiencing Emotional Abuse and Anxiety in a Relationship

What do you think of when you hear the words “toxic relationship” or “emotional abuse”? When it comes to toxic relationships, many people probably imagine a violent partner or a partner that isn’t faithful. When it comes to emotional abuse, bullying is typically something that comes to mind. While all of these situations are symptomatic […]

What to Tell Someone Who’s Loved One Passed Away

Have you ever gone to a funeral or memorial service and been tongue-tied as you approach the griever because you’re not sure of what to say? We’ve all been there. Whether the person is grieving a parent, child, sibling, or friend, it’s so hard to see the tremendous amount of pain and sadness they’re experiencing […]