

Examples of a Narcissistic Husband

Examples of a Narcissistic Husband

Andy Levesque


Do you find that you are constantly doubting yourself, questioning whether you’re “overreacting”, or feeling emotionally drained after interacting with your husband or partner? If so, you may be dealing with a narcissistic partner. Narcissism can be hard to recognize, especially in intimate relationships, where manipulation and emotional abuse are often hidden under the guise of love or concern. This article will help you identify specific examples of narcissistic behavior in a partner and provide insights into how you can cope with these challenges. If you’ve been noticing narcissistic tendencies in your partner and are wondering whether they are a narcissist, you’re not alone.

What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) in Marriage?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition characterized by a consistent pattern of grandiosity, a deep need for excessive admiration, and a marked lack of empathy. Individuals with NPD often have an inflated sense of self-importance, frequently fantasize about success or power, and believe they are uniquely special and deserving of special treatment. They tend to exploit others for their own benefit and have difficulty recognizing or valuing the feelings and needs of those around them.

In a marriage, these traits often manifest in emotionally harmful ways, as the narcissistic partner may prioritize their own needs at the expense of their spouse’s emotional well-being. This dynamic can create a cycle of manipulation, control, and emotional abuse, making it difficult for the non-narcissistic spouse to feel secure or valued in the relationship.

A partner with NPD may consistently seek to dominate conversations, dismiss their partner’s emotions, and place blame on others when things go wrong. The emotional toll on the marriage can be profound, often leading to confusion, frustration, and a feeling of walking on eggshells around the narcissistic partner. Does any of this sound familiar?

While these behaviors may be present in some form, it’s important to remember that NPD can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health professional. For more detailed information on the clinical diagnosis, the Harvard Health resource provides an in-depth look at the criteria used by professionals​. You can learn more about NPD in a relationship to understand the complexities and dynamics. 

Examples of Narcissistic Behavior in Relationships

Manipulates Situations for Their Benefit

Does your partner often twist situations to their advantage? They might use guilt-tripping, silent treatment, or emotional blackmail to make you feel responsible for everything that goes wrong. This manipulation creates a power imbalance, ensuring they remain in control.

Can’t Handle Any Criticism

How does your partner react to criticism? If they view even minor feedback as a personal attack, they might have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. This defensiveness can lead to constant arguments where they refuse to acknowledge any wrongdoing.

Makes You Feel Emotionally Unsafe

Do you often feel on edge around your partner? Narcissists create environments where their partners feel emotionally unsafe through outbursts, unpredictable behavior, and cruel remarks, showing no concern for the emotional distress they cause. This may contribute to a feeling of walking on eggshells.

Frequently Criticizes You

Is your partner often critical of your appearance, decisions, or abilities? Constant belittling can erode your self-esteem and make you feel inferior, creating a sense of dependence on them for validation.

Gaslights You

Are your own perceptions or memories constantly being questioned? By denying events or distorting facts, they create confusion and doubt, making you question your own sanity and increasing their control over you.

Prioritizes Their Needs Over Yours

In your relationship, do you feel like their needs always come first? Whether it’s their career or opinions, your needs might be dismissed or seen as irrelevant, creating an unbalanced dynamic where you give while receiving little in return.

Sabotages Your Relationships With Others

Does your partner try to damage your relationships with friends and family? By criticizing your loved ones or isolating you from them, they ensure that you become more reliant on them for emotional support.

How to Cope with a Narcissistic Husband

Coping with a narcissistic husband or partner can be difficult. If you’re reading this, you’re off to an amazing start. It’s your instinct and self-awareness that brought you here—continue to follow that. One of the first steps is recognizing the manipulation for what it is and detaching emotionally from the need for their approval. You’ll also want to work on building your emotional resilience. It’s essential to maintain a support system of friends, family, or professionals who can help provide perspective and validation outside of the marriage. If you’ve pushed them away, or if your partner has isolated you from them, remember it’s never too late to reach out. 

Developing strong boundaries is also critical. This might mean limiting certain conversations that always lead to conflict or deciding not to engage in their emotional outbursts. Narcissistic individuals often thrive on eliciting a response, so detaching from their provocations can be a powerful way to regain some control. If you struggle with boundary setting, read my article on boundaries here.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you find yourself emotionally overwhelmed or unable to set boundaries with your narcissistic partner, seeking professional help can be a vital step. Meeting with a support group or finding a therapist can help you explore your feelings and learn coping strategies to protect your mental health. Mental health experts can offer clarity on whether the marriage can be salvaged or if leaving the relationship is the healthiest option for your well-being. 

Meet Circles Support Groups For Divorce & Narcissistic Relationships

If you’re considering divorce or are in the process of leaving a narcissistic spouse, support groups can be invaluable. Circles offers specialized groups for individuals navigating narcissistic relationships or divorce, providing a safe space to share experiences, seek advice, and find emotional support. If you are contemplating divorce, How to Divorce a Narcissist  can give you helpful tips and a guide to recovery. 


Can a narcissistic husband change?

Change is difficult for those with NPD. If you’re unsure if your partner can change, ask yourself—do they want to change for themselves or others? Are they claiming they’ll change as a solution to a problem, or because they want to heal? Real, lasting change requires self-awareness, and must be motivated by their own desire to change. Without these, meaningful change is unlikely. 

And in case someone needs to hear this—your partner’s refusal to change or treat you better is not a reflection of your worth. You can be an exceptional partner, spouse, or parent, but it may never be enough because their narcissism is about them, not you. Many people believe that improving themselves will lead their partner to treat them better. That isn’t the case. Narcissists act out of their own needs and desires, regardless of their partner’s qualities. 

How a Narcissistic Husband Controls Finances

Financial control is a common manipulation tactic used by narcissists. By controlling the money, they can dictate your freedom and independence, making it difficult to leave the relationship or assert yourself. It is always wise to have a handle and understanding of your finances, especially if they are shared jointly with a partner. Some form of financial independence is important for stepping out of your partner’s control.

How can I protect myself from a narcissistic husband’s manipulation?

Setting boundaries, educating yourself about narcissistic behavior, and maintaining a support network can protect you from manipulation. It’s also important to document incidents of emotional abuse, especially if you plan on leaving the relationship.

How does a narcissistic husband behave during conflicts?

During conflicts, a narcissistic husband may use tactics like gaslighting, blame-shifting, or outright denial of their role in the issue. They rarely take responsibility and will often escalate arguments to avoid facing their own behavior.


Living with a narcissistic husband can be emotionally draining and isolating. By recognizing the signs of narcissistic behavior and learning effective coping strategies, you can protect your mental health and regain control of your life. Whether you choose to stay or leave the relationship, remember that seeking professional help and building a support system are key to navigating this challenging dynamic.

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