

How to Survive a Narcissistic Relationship and Thrive

How to Survive a Narcissistic Relationship and Thrive

Being in a relationship with a narcissist can leave you feeling emotionally drained and unsure of yourself.  Narcissists typically appear very charming and highly confident, but behind that rosy exterior, they routinely manipulate and control you in order to meet their own needs.  If you find that you’re always second-guessing yourself, and feeling confused about your relationship, you’re not alone.  In this post we’ll cover how to identify narcissistic abuse, reclaim your freedom, and rebuild your life. 

What is a Narcissistic Relationship?

In a narcissistic relationship, one partner displays narcissistic traits like having an inflated sense of self-importance, lacking empathy, and having a need for constant admiration.  Narcissists commonly put their needs and desires above their partner’s, leading to a relationship that always feels unbalanced and emotionally abusive.  Narcissists tend to seek out partners who are empathetic and forgiving, as these qualities can be easily exploited in the dynamic of the relationship. In order to maintain control in the relationship and stroke their ego, a narcissist will manipulate, gaslight, and make their partner feel small.  This ongoing toxic pattern in a relationship can leave you feeling extremely isolated, emotionally drained, and regularly questioning your own reality.   

Emotional and Psychological Effects of Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic abuse can have a lasting impact on your emotional well-being. Over time, the constant criticism, manipulation, and lack of emotional support can cause you to suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. Here are some of the emotional and psychological effects that you might experience as a victim of narcissistic abuse:

Constant self-doubt

A narcissist can manipulate you into questioning your own reality, leading you to have feelings of confusion and helplessness. Doubting yourself can significantly affect your self-esteem and feelings of self-worth.

Loss of identity

As a victim of narcissism, you may lose sight of your own needs and desires, as a result of constantly trying to please your narcissistic partner. Over time, this can lead to feelings of uncertainty and insecurity, making it even harder to reclaim your sense of identity.

Chronic stress and anxiety

You may feel like you are always walking on eggshells, and that you are wrong no matter what you do, which can lead you to be in a constant state of worry and stress.  This ongoing pressure can leave you emotionally drained, making it difficult to trust your own judgment or feel confident in your decisions. 

Depression and hopelessness

The emotional abuse you are routinely subjected to can leave you feeling powerless and isolated, worsening your feelings of despair and depression. Over time, this constant manipulation can erode your sense of self-worth, making it harder to break free from the toxic cycle.

It’s important to realize that being in a relationship with a narcissist can have long-lasting effects even after the relationship is over, which is why it’s so important to seek help and support as you work through the healing process.

Signs You’re in a Narcissistic Relationship

It’s important to be able to recognize if you’re in a narcissistic relationship, so that you can take the necessary steps toward change.  Here are some key signs to be aware of:

Everything revolves around them

A narcissist puts their opinions, needs, and desires above everything else, and you may often feel that your own feelings are being invalidated and dismissed.

Lack of empathy

Narcissists lack empathy and have difficulty understanding your emotions, especially if it doesn’t benefit them in some way.

Constant belittling and criticism

A narcissist can make you feel inadequate by pointing out your flaws and mistakes, leading you to constantly doubt yourself.


A common behavior for narcissists is gaslighting, where they blame their victim and create confusion, leaving you to question your own perceptions, memory, and even your sanity.

Emotional manipulation

Narcissists attempt to control the relationship by using charm, guilt, and threats to get you to comply with their desires and demands.

If these behaviors sound familiar to you, it’s important to acknowledge that this is an unhealthy relationship, and you need to take steps to care for yourself

Steps to Survive Narcissistic Abuse

It’s not easy to survive a narcissistic relationship, but with the right strategies and support, you can break free from abuse and toxicity.  Here are some essential steps to take:

Acknowledge the abuse

Having the awareness to recognize that you’re in a narcissistic relationship is the first step toward your recovery.

Set boundaries  

A narcissist will disrespect your boundaries, so it’s important to set clear, healthy limits and stick to them.  Reducing contact or going no contact can be a necessary boundary with a narcissist.

Get support

Reach out to friends, family or an online support group to receive the emotional validation and guidance that you deserve.  It is important to seek understanding and connect with others who can relate to what you’re going through.

Practice self-care

Make sure that you prioritize your physical, emotional, and mental well-being as part of moving forward.  Eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, and engaging in fulfilling activities is an important part of recovery from narcissistic abuse.

Educate yourself

It’s important to learn about narcissistic abuse.  The more you understand the dynamics of this type of a relationship, the more you can protect yourself from further harm.

Consider therapy

It can be helpful to speak with a mental health professional to rebuild your sense of self and heal from the trauma of narcissistic abuse.

Taking these important steps will help you regain control over your life and begin to heal from narcissistic abuse.  With self-care, support, and time, you can break free from the toxic cycle and focus on building a healthier future. 

Rebuilding Your Life After a Narcissistic Relationship

After you break free from a narcissistic relationship, it’s crucial to work on healing the emotional damage, and to be intentional about rebuilding your life.  Here are some ways you can support your emotional independence and reclaim your identity and thrive again: 

Reconnect with yourself

Give yourself time to rediscover your passions, develop new hobbies, and set goals that you may have been unable to foster during the relationship.

Focus on personal growth 

Allow this experience to be the catalyst that helps you grow.  Explore new opportunities, challenge yourself, and create a hopeful vision for your future.

Rebuild healthy relationships

Be sure to surround yourself with uplifting, supportive people.  Reconnect with old friends or make new connections, focusing on forming healthy and positive relationships.

Stay mindful of patterns

It’s important to be aware of any unhealthy patterns you may have as a result of your toxic relationship, so that you can break free from those narratives, and move forward with new thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that best support your overall well-being.

Healing from narcissistic abuse takes time, but as you prioritize your own needs and set healthy goals for yourself, you will feel increasingly empowered as you rebuild your life.   


Can you have a healthy relationship with a narcissist?

In most cases, maintaining a relationship with a narcissist can be challenging.  Healthy relationships require a strong foundation that includes mutual respect and understanding.  Narcissists lack self-awareness and empathy, making it difficult to support the necessary balance for a healthy relationship.

What kind of person attracts a narcissist?

Narcissists are often attracted to people who are very kind, empathetic, and willing to put others’ needs ahead of their own.  These qualities make it easier for them to control and manipulate their partners.  It’s important to remember that being a victim of narcissistic abuse has nothing to do with your worth.  It’s instead about the narcissist’s need for dominance. 

Why is it so hard to leave a narcissist?

It can be difficult to leave a narcissist because they are so skilled at using tactics like love bombing, gaslighting, and emotional manipulation to keep their partner attached to them.  Victims of narcissistic abuse often experience feeling dependent on their narcissistic partner, question their own reality, and fear how the narcissist may react if they attempt to end the relationship. 

Can you heal after being in a narcissistic relationship? 

Yes, healing after a narcissistic relationship is absolutely possible.  While the emotional scars may run deep, with time, self-care, and support, you can rebuild your confidence and sense of self.  Therapy, supportive relationships, and focusing on your personal growth will help you to heal from the trauma and regain control over your life.

Meet Circles – Your #1 Online Narcissistic Abuse Support Group

If you’re navigating a narcissistic relationship, Circles is an online chat support platform that can offer the support you need.  Our professionally facilitated audio chat groups are designed to help you find healing and emotional balance after suffering from narcissistic abuse.  You’ll connect with others who share similar experiences, learn from experts, and gain access to resources that promote your recovery and growth.  Whether you’re looking to regain your sense of self or form meaningful connections with others who can relate, Circles provides a safe, confidential, and compassionate space for your healing journey.

Surviving a narcissistic relationship takes courage, but by understanding the signs of narcissistic abuse and taking deliberate steps toward healing, you can reclaim your life.  Remember, setting boundaries, seeking support, and prioritizing your well-being are essential as you rebuild a healthy identity.  Although it can be difficult to move on from the emotional trauma, know that thriving is within your reach.  With time and support, you’ll rediscover your strength and create a life free from narcissistic control.

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