Narcissist Recovery Therapy: A Path to Healing

Recovering from narcissistic abuse is a journey of resilience, courage, and empowerment. It’s not easy, but it’s entirely possible to heal and rebuild your life with the right guidance and support. This guide offers a comprehensive look at narcissistic abuse therapy options, practical coping strategies, and actionable steps to help you navigate the path to […]

Extreme Narcissists: Traits, Impacts, and Solutions

Have you ever met someone who lives as if the world revolves around them? Someone who demands attention, dismisses people’s feelings, and leaves you second-guessing yourself after every interaction? If so, you might have encountered an extreme narcissist. Extreme narcissists can be charming on the surface, but underneath the facade, they are manipulative, entitled, and […]

Online Divorce Support Groups

Breaking up a marriage can shake you to your core leaving you to deal with a bunch of mixed feelings and big choices. Even if splitting up was the right call and you thought it through, the fallout can still knock you for a loop.  Going through a tough change like divorce means you need […]

13 Red Flags in a Relationship You Should Never Ignore

Have you ever felt like something is off in your relationship? That gut feeling you try to brush could mean there are red flags that need to be addressed in your relationship. Every relationship has its ups and downs. However, some behaviors can signal deeper issues. Let’s take a look at 13 key warning signs. […]

 How Do I Get Away From a Narcissist? A Practical Guide – Circles

Relationships can be challenging, but when you’re involved with someone who has narcissistic personality disorder, the difficulties can reach a whole new level of paralyzing and “crazy-making.” If you’ve found yourself wondering how to end a relationship with a narcissist, this practical guide is for you. Many people struggle to break free from the toxic […]

Is My Partner a Narcissist? Take This Quiz to Find Out

Have you been questioning the health of your relationship?Perhaps you’ve noticed some concerning behaviors in your partner such as being overly self-focused or constantly seeking external validation. In the best case scenario these behaviors are unhealthy and unsettling. In the worst case scenario these might be signs that you’re dealing with a narcissistic partner. If […]

How to Recognize the Behavior of a Narcissistic Husband and Cope With It

Introduction Have you ever wondered if your husband might be a narcissist? Maybe you’ve noticed certain behaviors that just don’t sit right with you—like a constant need for attention, lack of empathy, or frequent criticism that leaves you feeling drained, devalued and unsure of yourself.  If you’re starting to question whether these signs point to […]

How to Divorce a Narcissist: 10 Expert Tips and Recovery Guide

Divorcing a narcissist can feel like an overwhelming uphill battle. The emotional, legal, and psychological challenges are unique and intense, making it crucial to be well-prepared. This blog post is a roadmap filled with expert tips to help you navigate the complexities of divorcing a narcissistic husband or wife.  Understanding Narcissism and Its Impact on […]

A Complete Guide on Finding Yourself After Narcissistic Abuse

Healing the Bond With Yourself Rediscovering yourself after narcissistic abuse is a lifelong process for survivors. It goes deeper than just “getting back on the horse.” At its essence, narcissistic abuse recovery is the process of healing the bond with yourself. Finding yourself again and adopting a brand new identity rooted in self-love, personal empowerment, […]

Could You Be a Narcissist and Not Know It? Debunking the Signs

Am I a Narcissist? Ever wonder if you might be a narcissist and not even know it? I get it! I was even the person who went as far as taking one of those “Am I a narcissist quizzes online.” And I’m gonna share with you, something someone once shared with me. If you’re the […]