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You initiated the divorce, expecting to feel relief or peace, but instead, you’re feeling sad, confused and possibly guilty. It’s frustrating when your emotions don’t align with the logic of your decision. You likely thought long and hard before choosing to end your marriage, so why aren’t you feeling as expected? If this resonates with […]

Divorce is one of life’s toughest challenges. If you’re in the middle of it while reading this, it probably feels like you’re on a wild rollercoaster ride with all the ups, downs, and unexpected twists and turns. It can seem never-ending, but there is a way to get through it

Are you mindful of the conversations you have with yourself every day? Our inner dialogue, commonly referred to as self-talk, plays a crucial role in shaping ourself-worth. Self-talk is that constant chatter in our minds, influenced by our beliefs, experiences,and perceptions. What we say to ourselves on a regular basis

Co-parenting, or “collaborative parenting,” involves parents working together to raise their children despite no longer being in a relationship. This process is challenging under normal circumstances and becomes even more difficult when one parent is battling addiction, which canstrain family bonds and create instability. However, with the right strategies and

Divorce can shake your life like an earthquake, making everything feel unstable. When a marriage ends, you might feel lost and unsure of who you are. Holly (not her real name) felt this way when she got divorced. As her coach, I remember her asking me, “Who do I want

Ending a close relationship is a difficult but necessary step for some people. It’s about separating yourself from someone who has played a big role in your life, someone whose experiences are intertwined with your own. Close relationships are often assumed to be lifelong sources of support, but sometimes that’s

Divorce can feel like being knocked off your feet by a rogue wave—unexpected, disorienting, and overwhelming. But just like any great surfer, it’s not about avoiding the falls; it’s about how quickly you can get back on the board and regain your balance. I have often heard the experience of

Trusting Again Hey there, I’m glad you’re here. I want to talk to you about something really important: trust issues after a narcissistic relationship. As a social worker, I’ve helped a lot of people heal from these toxic relationships, and trust me, it’s not easy. One of the hardest parts

Alone Time I recently read a New York Times article about the importance of solitude, and it made me think about how much I need alone time. I really crave time alone. One of my favorite places to get some of this sacred space is in my car. The library

3 Ways to Find Balance During Separation or Divorce: Separation / divorce are one of life’s most challenging transitions.  These events upend all of life as we know it and upend the future. You may have thought you had some things figured out in life; now it seems everything is

How is Divorce Both an Ending and a Beginning? Have you ever thought of divorce as both the end of one day and the start of another? Just like midnight marks the end of one day and the beginning of the next, divorce closes the chapter of marriage and opens

The Role of Friends and Family Divorce is often compared to riding an emotional rollercoaster—a tumultuous journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. It’s a period marked by profound change, loss, and often, intense emotional upheaval. Throughout this difficult process, the support of family and friends can be a beacon

Divorce, the Mind and Body Divorce can be one of life’s most challenging transitions, in fact it is listed up there in the top 5 life stressors. It impacts every facet of a person’s existence, including their health and well-being. Navigating the emotional, financial, and logistical upheaval of divorce can

The Story of the Love- Bomber Can you go back and remember that day when you fell headfirst in love? The days that seemed almost too good to be true? The days that felt like you had found your Prince Charming and you became the princess while sitting upon the

Codependency and Relationship Addiction When looking at codependency in a relationship, it is important to bear in mind that it can exist between romantic partners, family members, friends, and co-workers. Each person involved is mentally, emotionally, physically and/or spiritually reliant on the other. Codependency has also been referred to as

First Things to Ask Divorce is a life-altering event, impacting individuals not just emotionally but financially, both immediately and long into the future. One of the most contentious and complex aspects of divorce is the division of property. The financial decisions have lasting consequences, thus navigating the financial landscape during