

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Divorce

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Divorce

How is Divorce Both an Ending and a Beginning?

Have you ever thought of divorce as both the end of one day and the start of another? Just like midnight marks the end of one day and the beginning of the next, divorce closes the chapter of marriage and opens a new one that can lead to personal growth. Many of our Circles members have found this to be a time filled with opportunities for positive change. This might sound like a “far reach” for you right now! Read on, the stories and tips below are offered to encourage and inspire you!

What Exactly is ‘Post-Divorce Identity’?

After your marriage ends, you might start to see changes in yourself—this is what we call your post-divorce identity. It includes changes in how you handle your daily life, your relationships, and how you see yourself. Through our sessions, I help members take a step back and look at the big picture, which often leads to feeling more hopeful and excited about what’s next. You are encouraged to move away from the story of your divorce and step toward the future of what comes next!

What are Common Feelings and Experiences After Divorce?

Adjusting to life after divorce can bring up all sorts of feelings. You might feel excited to try new things, or sometimes you might feel a bit down. It’s totally normal to feel free yet lonely as you let go of your past life and the future you once imagined. Understanding and accepting these mixed emotions is a big step toward building a new, strong you.

What Challenges Come with Rebuilding Your Identity After Divorce?

Finding yourself after a divorce isn’t easy. It’s common to feel sad, angry, or anxious as you get used to life as a single person. One big challenge is learning to see the world on your own, which might shake your confidence at first. Even small tasks, like going to events alone or making decisions just for you, can seem tough. But many in our Circles community find these things get easier and even empowering with time.

How Do Societal Views and Personal Expectations Impact Your Post-Divorce Recovery?

Often, society expects people to quickly get back to normal after a divorce. But healing doesn’t have a set schedule; it’s different for everyone. At Circles, our support groups help members share their unique journeys and support each other, making it easier to move past these pressures.

What Steps Can You Take to Rediscover Yourself?

Diving into new or old hobbies is a great way to rediscover what makes you happy. These activities help shape who you are becoming and can lead to making new friends. For example, some members have started traveling, adopted pets, learned a musical instrument, enrolled in college, or even launched their own businesses—things they might not have considered before. After his divorce at 39, one man enrolled in college which was something that he had long wanted to do. He went on to complete a master’s program that brought him new career options. Another took a job that required extensive travel, which was not possible while married. These new paths were opened by their newfound time and autonomy.

Why is Strengthening Relationships with Friends and Family Important After Divorce?

Connecting with friends and family is very important after a divorce. Their support can make you feel more secure and less alone as you navigate through this change. Our Circles community also serves as a valuable network, offering additional support and understanding.

When Should You Seek Professional Help?

It’s wise to talk to a therapist or coach if you’re finding it hard to cope after your divorce. I work with our members to address feelings of loss, build up their confidence, and plan for the future, providing a safe place to talk and receive support.

How Do You Build a New Identity After Divorce?

Creating a new identity after divorce is a journey that requires patience and care for yourself. It means learning a new way to view your life and embracing this chance to find out more about yourself. This time of change can strengthen you, helping you become more in tune with the real you. Remember, every challenge also brings an opportunity—you just have to look for it.

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