

Saying Yes: Finding Your Balance

Saying Yes: Finding Your Balance

Tina Cook

We each have so many tasks to do every day. From commuting to work to carpooling the kids to school and practices, running errands, the list goes on and on.  One may feel that they often need more time to do everything they need daily. We each have twenty-four hours a day and how we navigate may vary.   I want to invite you to the art of creating balance in your life. I want you to invite yourself to the gift of the opportunity to say YES! Yes to a pathway of pause, rest, ease, and flow.  I recognize the concept of creating balance may be new. I encourage you to be kind to yourself and I want to share a few tips with you. The first step to creating balance may include obtaining support through vetted resources that resonate with you.  

Tips to start creating balance in your life to embrace your YES. 

  • Create a daily or weekly list of priority tasks
  • Create a sleep routine for healthy rest 
  • Create a list of activities you can say YES to monthly 
  • Say YES to laughter, movement, and quiet time
  • Engage in a pleasurable activity at least 1x a week 
  • Take a 5-minute music break daily 
  • Say no to chaos 
  • Practice mindfulness 
  • Plan a mental health day 2x a month 
  • Ask for appropriate help 

You are valuable

Finding your balance will be a daily practice while you assess your needs. It will allow you more time to enjoy the various experiences in your life. I encourage you to remember you are valuable, you matter, and deserve to have a balanced life. 

There is only one YOU! Cherish your presence, it is a beautiful gift to the world. I encourage you to visit your YES list often! Your mind and body will be so happy! Saying no allows us to say yes to all the beautiful moments we want to experience. 

Reflect on your self-worth

We each deserve to experience a life of balance with happiness and joy. The balance may include a combination of self-care practices, a supportive network, and practicing healthy boundaries. I encourage you to reflect on your self-worth. You are important and you can say yes to your balance. Being able to reflect upon your value, what matters to you the most is the pathway to your life balance. I have been told by many, that it can be scary to say no while choosing to say yes to yourself. 

Choosing you

I can remember my first experience with saying yes and it was uncomfortable. I wanted to go hide and avoid advocating for myself. I experienced guilt and shame. Later, I started to remind myself I could choose myself and create a balance I was comfortable with. I realized I did not have to sacrifice myself for my yes. I chose to say yes and my freedom journey began. I felt lighter and refreshed. My relationships improved because my voice was clear and direct. I am grateful for the experience and I can pay it forward by sharing it with you. You do not have to wait, you can start today. Are you ready to practice your YES? You can do it, I will be cheering for you! I see you, I believe in you. The present moment is the best moment to start. 

Lean into your value

I am encouraging you to say yes and be willing to lean into your value. It may require you to learn some new behaviors while unlearning some old behaviors. YOU are worth it! Say yes, start slow. Ask yourself today, ‘What can I say yes to, one act of kindness’? For example, you may say yes to a quiet moment with your tea or coffee to start your day. Allow yourself to enjoy the taste and aroma of your beverage. You can practice mindfulness by taking a few deep breaths in and out slowly.
Recite the following:

I am saying yes today. 

I am creating and practicing my balance. 

I can do this as often as needed.

I will be kind to myself. 

My mind, body, and soul are calm.

I am worthy of this present moment.

Each step I take is a YES for my balance. 

I am grateful for today. 

It will be a good day!

Be intentional

You are all set for your day! Be intentional and happy balance! Your yes is near you at all times, I wish you love and light. Be gentle and pace yourself. It is a journey, your life is the learning playground. Go forth, play, move around, and enjoy the experience. If you stumble, get back up! Ask for help.  You can seek additional support if needed, you are not alone. Be the better or best version of yourself. Until next time, see you later! 

Happy Healing!

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